Friday, December 10, 2010

Bring it on!

I stumbled across a book and in one of the chapters it had dealing with devils, demons or even the devil itself. I smiled when i browsed through the lines that read "... in certain religions, these evil spirits were exorcised and expelled by a holy man or sort but in our understanding we simply embrace these evil spirits, demons or even the devil itself with utter compassion ..."

Now that's powerful. That's tranforming a demon to a servant of help. That's true alchemy. If one can turn water into wine and coal into gold ... that would be useful. Very useful ... very helpful indeed.

Imagine going up to Osama bin laden, or any terrorist group and say "look... we understand what you are doing ... please stop now ... you've made your point. Enough bloodshed. Now let's work together ... in harmony and in mutual respect and understanding ..."

May we can deal with smaller demons first. Or perhaps minor irritations. Maybe before we start cussing or being violently physical we take that backward step. To breathe, to pause ... to notice what is truly happening in the moment. To see things as they are ... no more ... no less. Then see it if that action is necessary. Then see if the other deserves what that vengeful act was whatever it was. A more peaceful solution perhaps?

Instead, hug, say "...sorry, my fault... i could've been a little more understanding, a little bit more kinder ..." Then if you have to kill me - promise me that you will be a better person for the sake of all. Kill me if you must ... however promise me that you will make an effort to change for the better.

Can we honestly say that to a mugger? When our lives are being threatened by a robber, a thief, a mugger in the dark alleys? When  
I can say these things to a truly insane, suicidal person before he stabs or bombs me up ... then i would have achieved a little something which nature has given me so freely. I would truly understand and practice forgiveness. Forgiving myself first and then forgiving others ... starting from the littlest things

The sun shines on all indiscriminately. Beautiful, ugly, rich, poor, good or evil. Air is free to all. Even some beings vowed to delay or even give up their salvation so others can have some respite in their ordeal of endless loop in the suffering of life.

The real essence of evil is merely unawareness. Wake up. Be aware. Be conscious. Be alert in the now. Stop the fixation and endless mind chatter. Settle into rest and peace of mind. That is ... don't get pissed with alchohol or drugs either. Simply stop and be. Nothing to do and no one to impress. No need to impress yourself, your beautiful girlfriend or your boss ... no need ...only be yourself fully consciously awake. No need to judge or rationalize.

No need to explain to yourself or others. Only be kind to yourself. Trust yourself and love yourself enough. Look after yourself, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Heal yourself first. Be whole again. Only don't look outward or externally. Look inward. Ask yourself what or who would you be without this problem or pain. How would you be behaving now if this thorn in the flesh is removed?

Look inward. Learn to rest and relax in meditation. Learn to rest and relax in work. Learn to rest and relax and enjoy in the most mundane of chores. Find what you hate doing most and start enjoying it. Chores, i mean. 

When i was pumping iron some years back now. I used to subscribe to the tip that the exercise that i dislike most is probably the most useful. And it is. Squats ... most bodybuilders dread them. 

In training Aikido, my sensei many times advocated that the red herring or the "pain-in-the-ass" student among the rest in the dojo is there as part of our training. In fact, a truly big part indeed - a hurdle to be tackled to the next level.

The whinging, whining co-worker or colleague/patron/customer is out there to test you. The chain saw or the leave blower outside your garden now is  probably doing a good job testing your patience and mood. If you are a little like me who enjoy peace and quiet without the blaring honk or car alarm you would appreciate what i mean.

Sure ... how then do I deal with it? I don't. I don't deal or try anything. I simply relax even more. I simple let go even more. I let go of my desire to choke the living shit out of the idiot whose car was the culprit. Ok ... sure it wasn't necessary to use such strong, colorful words. Hey.. i let go even more ...without condemning myself.

A student once asked a zen master what the essence of zen is. The master replied "In a appropriate response" or another time he answered "not always so"

We respond. We do not react. Reacting is of the mind, of the past habits. Responding is in the moment. Responding is being alert to the situation at hand. Like a true magician who is able to pull stuff out of thin air. Spontaneity and creativity are the usual trademarks of a true spiritual person. Spiritual and practical. Not religious and philosophical. Peace of mind ... not damn headache.